
Showing 10 of 43 results for Speech

Commencement of the 2023 Legal Year

30 Jan 2023

Commencement of the 2023 Legal Year

Law Society President Farzana Choudhury spoke at the annual ceremonial sitting to mark the commencement of the 2023 legal year.

Commencement of the 2022 Legal Year

31 Jan 2022

Commencement of the 2022 Legal Year

The ongoing resilience of the ACT legal profession was in focus today at the ceremonial sitting to mark the commencement of the 2022 legal year.

Illegitimately Re-Writing the Music?

9 Sep 2019

Illegitimately Re-Writing the Music?

The 2019 Richardson Oration, delivered by The Hon Virginia Bell AC.

Pro Bono: for whose benefit?

14 May 2019

Pro Bono: for whose benefit?

The 2019 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by Karen Fryar AM, former Magistrate of the Australian Capital Territory.

Sleepwalking through the minefield: commercial surrogacy and the global response

15 May 2018

Sleepwalking through the minefield: commercial surrogacy and the global response

The 2018 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by The Hon John Pascoe AC CVO, Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia.

Law, Morality and the Public Trust

16 May 2017

Law, Morality and the Public Trust

The 2017 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by Justin Gleeson SC, former Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia.

Brave New World

17 May 2016

Brave New World

The 2016 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by The Hon John Faulks, Deputy Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia.

Reviewing the Reviewer

15 Sep 2015

Reviewing the Reviewer

The 2015 Richardson Oration, delivered by the Hon Justice Duncan Kerr.

The Legal Assault on Australian Democracy

12 May 2015

The Legal Assault on Australian Democracy

The 2015 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by Professor George Williams AO, an academic specialising in constitutional law at the Law Faculty at the University of New South Wales.

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