If you have any additional questions that are not addressed on our website, please contact trustaccounts@actlawsociety.asn.au.
In this Section
General information
General information about trust accounts, including important dates in the trust accounting year.
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29 Nov 2021
eConveyancing information
Implications for trust money in eConveyancing matters (including PEXA).
Find out moreDesignated External Examiners
Law firms may only appoint an individual who appears on this list of designated external examiners.
Find out moreInformation for trust account examiners
Information for trust account examiners, including criteria for designation as an external examiner.
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10 Sep 2018
Controlled Money
What is controlled money, and how do I properly receipt and register it?
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18 Oct 2018
Power Money
What is trust money subject to a power, and how should it be dealt with?
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18 Oct 2018
Investment Money
How do I deal with trust money invested on behalf of a client?
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