Information for trust account examiners

Criteria for designation as an external examiner

To be eligible for appointment as a designated external examiner, pursuant to Section 240(1) of the Legal Profession Act 2006, the individual must be:

  1. A member of CPA Australia holding a current Public Practice Certificate issued by that body, or
  2. A member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand holding a current Certificate of Public Practice issued by that body, or
  3. A member of the Institute of Public Accountants holding a current Professional Practice Certificate issued by that body, or
  4. A person registered as an auditor under Part 9.2 of the Corporations Act, or
  5. Employees or agents of the designated local regulatory authority; and
  6. Have successfully completed a course of education approved by the Council.

The Council of the ACT Law Society has approved the following courses of education:

  • External examiner course run by the ACT Law Society
  • External examiner course run by the NSW Law Society
  • External examiner course run by the Law Institute of Victoria.

These Criteria are effective as at 20 November 2017 and eligibility is generally for a 5 year period.

Apply for recognition

If you would like to be recognised as a Designated External Examiner in the ACT, please send a request in writing, including evidence that you meet the required criteria. 

Requests are considered by the Executive Committee before approval is granted.

Write to Trust Account Compliance Officer, ACT Law Society, GPO Box 1562, Canberra ACT 2601, or email .