General disclaimer
Information provided on this website is not, and must not be taken to be, legal advice. For legal advice please consult a solicitor.
The copyright in all content on this website (including text, graphics, logos, recordings and software) is owned or licensed by the Law Society of the ACT. You may use the content for your personal, non-commercial use and reference. Except as permitted by Australian copyright legislation, any other use, publication or reproduction of the content provided on this website (whether whole or in part) is prohibited without prior written permission from the Law Society of the ACT.
Use of the ACT Law Society logo
We receive many requests from members to use our logo on their printed or electronic marketing materials to denote their membership of the Society. However, it is not our current policy to allow third parties to use our logo, even if they are members. Members of the ACT Law Society wishing to denote their membership of the Society may do so by including the words “Member of the Law Society of the ACT” (or similar) on their letterhead or in publications. Members are also free to link to our website in this manner. The ACT Law Society logo may be used by third parties only when the Society is sponsoring or endorsing a product or service, or is entering into a joint venture with a third party. The Society reserves the right to approve any material bearing our logo before it goes to print or is made live. For more information on the use of the Society’s logo, please contact the Communications Officer on (02) 6274 0300.
Event registration terms and conditions
ACT Law Society invoices have payment terms of 14 days. Fees are payable upon registration. A 1.2% surcharge may be incurred on payments processed via credit/debit card. The Society reserves the right to cancel or alter events at its discretion, and in such circumstances, attendees will be notified via email.
Definitions — 'Registration' means any booking given to the Society in writing, on our website, or by phone. 'Member' means any member of the ACT Law Society, including associate members and honorary members. 'New Lawyer' means any member who has held a practising certificate for five years or less. 'CLC' means any member working for a recognised community legal centre, or holding a volunteer practising certificate. 'Student' means any member holding a student membership.
Cancellation policy
All cancellations must be made in writing, and all cancellations will incur a fee, however, no charge will be incurred for substituting another person. Outside of the cancellation periods given below, a $10 administration fee will be incurred for any cancellation made. If a registered attendee fails to attend without notifying the Society in writing, no credit or refund will be offered and 100% of the total cost will be retained by the Society.
CPD Events — In the case of CPD events held at an venue other than the Law Society, no refund can be made after the RSVP date of the event. In the case of CPD events held at the Law Society, for cancellations made up to two working days prior to the event, 50% of the total cost will be retained by the Society as a cancellation fee and the balance may be used as a credit towards other CPD events or be refunded. If you choose to keep a credit it will remain valid for 12 months from the event date, after which time it will expire. For cancellations within two working days of the event, no refunds or credits will be applicable.
Webinars — In the case of live or on-demand webinars, as connection details are sent when registration is completed, no refund or cancellation is available.
Social events — In the case of social events, no refund can be made after the RSVP date of the event.
Notice of Filming and Photography
Attendees of events consent to filming, photography and sound recording as members of the audience. By registering and attending this event you agree to being filmed or photographed which may be used for marketing or promotional purposes
Practising Certificate terms and conditions
Important information about Practising Certificates
Practising Certificates are not distributed until payment has been received by the Society.
Private Practising Certificates are not distributed to members until confirmation of professional indemnity insurance (PII) has been received by the Society, from the PII provider.
Practising Certificate approvals can lapse if payment is not received by the Society within a period of 14 days of the approval by the Executive Committee. Approvals may also lapse if confirmation of PII is not notified to the Society within a period of 30 days of the approval by the Executive Committee. In such instances the applicant will have to reapply for their certificate.
An administration charge of $75 (incl GST) will be levied in specific circumstances, namely where an applicant has to reapply for a certificate because their application has lapsed after 30 days; or wants to surrender their certificate within 60 days of it being granted.
A fee of $25 (incl GST) will be imposed for a replacement hard copy practising certificate where it is lost or destroyed by the holder.
The Society requires interstate practising certificate applicants to supply with their application a Certificate of Fitness (also known as a Certificate of Good Standing or an Evidentiary Certificate) from each jurisdiction the applicant has been admitted and/or practised in.
Payment terms
ACT Law Society invoices have payment terms of 14 days.
A 1.2% surcharge may be incurred on payments processed via credit/debit card.
Please note that Practising Certificates are not activated until payment has been received by the Society.