Other providers' events and services

These events and services are not provided by the ACT Law Society. The below are paid advertisements provided for the interest of our members.

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Other Provider's Events and Services

The Australia Institute is hosting the Transparency Summit 2024, to be held at the Shine Dome in Canberra on Thursday 17 October 2024, in collaboration with the Human Rights Law Centre, Whistleblower Justice Fund, Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom and Transparency International Australia.

We are offering a 25% discount to members of the legal community.

A lack of transparency and integrity lies near the heart of every political issue facing Australia. So how can we reverse a culture of secrecy?

The 2024 Transparency Summit will connect those who have been stonewalled – and keep the pressure on all levels of government to ensure the interests of all Australians are represented in our policy-making process.

Join elected officials, transparency and policy experts, journalists, the legal fraternity, advocates, and members of the public for a series of discussions about the future of transparency in Australia.

Please click on the link below to secure your discounted ticket:


Or use the promo code: FRIENDS

The ACT Courts and Tribunal invites you to attend a conversation on restorative justice between Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker of the ACT Magistrates Court, and Pamela Williams, former Chief Judge of the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia. This event is open to all those with an interest in restorative justice processes, and you should feel free to share the details with your own networks.

Currently in Australia, referral to restorative justice is only available when an offender accepts criminal liability. This limits the availability of restorative processes, when a broader application has real potential to do good.

What are the advantages of expanding the availability of restorative justice referrals to cases where a person is found not guilty of a criminal charge, but has engaged in conduct which has clearly caused harm to a victim?

What improvements might be achieved if, at the onset, community partners (including police, health, crown, harmers and harmed) are provided the option to avoid the criminal justice adversarial system altogether? Is it possible to transform our way of thinking about justice and offer a clear path to avoid the court system altogether?

  • When: Tuesday 19 November 2024, 4.30pm to 7pm (talk from 4.45pm to 5.45pm)
  • Where: Supreme Courtroom 3, ACT Supreme Court, 6 Knowles Place Canberra City
  • Cost: Free (light refreshments included)
  • Register online (tickets are strictly limited, so register early to secure your place)

Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker of the ACT Magistrates Court was sworn in as a Magistrate in July 2010 and as Chief Magistrate on 13 October 2011. In August 2019, she was appointed an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court for 12 months to establish the Territory's Drug and Alcohol Court.

Judge Pamela Williams is a Judge, and former Chief Judge, of the Provincial Court of Nova Scotia. Since 2010, she has been the dedicated judge for the Dartmouth Wellness Court, a problem-solving court where a team of professionals helps treat the issues contributing to the individual coming into conflict with the law.

The BLS Report is a series of podcasts created by the Business Law Section, covering topics of interest arising in our fields or practice. This series is in commemoration of the late Professor Robert (‘Bob’) Baxt.

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