From 2025, the ACT Law Society Law Week Service Awards will follow a dynamic model where the categories of awards as well as the number of awards presented each year will ultimately depend on the nominations received. 

Nominations can be made for individuals or firms.

Nominations for the 2025 Service Awards close on 11 April 2025.

Eligibility for Service Awards 

To be eligible for nomination for the Service Award, an individual or firm must:  

• practise in the ACT, or have practised for a substantial period in the ACT  

• be of high standing in the ACT legal profession  

• be a current member of the ACT Law Society.  

A person is ineligible for nomination if they are a judge of the award, a currently serving Councillor, or staff member of the ACT Law Society. 

Award criteria

The ACT Law Society service awards recognise significant contributions to the legal profession and the community. These can be individual or firms that have contributed across any of the following areas:

1. Improvements in legal policy, legislation, access to justice, or the administration of justice, benefiting the ACT community

2. Significant contributions to the ACT Law Society and/or the ACT legal community

3. Commitment to pro bono legal work and advocacy for disadvantaged groups in the ACT

4. Promotion of diversity, inclusion, and mentoring within the ACT legal profession

5. Support for staff wellbeing in the legal field

6. Innovative use of technology in legal service delivery

7. Educational efforts and awareness-building on legal issues within government or community

8. Leadership and innovation in legal roles, leading to improved organisational performance

9. Noteworthy achievements or community contributions by a new lawyer in the ACT

How to nominate someone for a Service Award 

Nominations are made via electronic form. Nominations can now be made year-round. 

Unlike previous years, nominators will not select a category of Award when lodging the form. The Awards Committee will assess all nominations and determine the most appropriate category for each. 

The Awards Committee and the judging process 

The Awards Committee is a sub-group of the Society’s Council, with some additional members being introduced to the Committee by Council. 

Judging panels may choose to seek further information from nominators, nominees, their referees, or the ACT Law Society’s professional standards staff.  

The successful nominee will be determined by a consensus of the judging panel members. The judges may choose not to issue an award if they feel there are no suitable candidates nominated.  

The judges’ decision is final. 

Further information 

Members wishing to contact the Society about a nomination or the Awards in general should make contact via or (02) 6274 0333. 




2007-2023 Law Awards

An annual award recognising significant personal and professional contributions of local legal practitioners to the improvement of law and justice in the community.

Past recipients:

2023 - Perpetua Kish 

2022 - Claudia MacLean

2021 - Margie Rowe

2019 - Michael Kukulies-Smith

2018 - Julie Dobinson

2017 - Liz Huang Hughes-Brown

2016 - Michael Phelps

2015 - Janean Richards

2014 - Richard Faulks 

An annual award recognising outstanding efforts of local firms in contributing to access to justice, and to a diverse and healthy legal profession.

Past recipients:

2023 - Parker Curtis Coles

2022 - Griffin Legal

2021 - Ken Cush & Associates

An annual award recognising the vital work done by individual practitioners in the ACT who volunteer their time and legal expertise to assist others within the community. Pro bono work is largely unacknowledged, but provides an invaluable service to many disadvantaged members of our community, ensuring that access to justice is available to all.

Past recipients:

2023 - Jeanine Lloyd

2022 - Pierre Johannessen

2021 - Professor Maree Sainsbury

2019 - Vanessa Parkins

2018 - Jennifer Wyborn


An annual award recognising outstanding achievements of practitioners working in government, and raising awareness of the activities of government law practitioners. The award encouraged government law practitioners to remain active participants in the legal profession in activities beyond their core employment duties.

Past recipients: 

2022 - Patrick Hornby

2021 - Gregory Burn

2019 - Michael Deasey

2017 - Chris Behrens

2016 - Elizabeth Carroll

2015 - John Henry


An annual award recognising outstanding achievements of early career lawyers in the ACT. The Award encouraged new lawyers to be active participants in the legal profession beyond their core employment duties, and to raise awareness of these activities. Until 2022, the award was known as the 'ACT Young Lawyer of the Year Award'.

Past recipients:

2023 - Angelique Nelis and Vanessa Graf

2022 - Liana Tomassini

2021 - Caroline Beasley and Keiran Pender

2019 - Farzana Choudhury

2018 - Georgina McKay and Kellin Kristofferson

2017 - Belinda Miller

2016 - Katrina Marson

2015 - Kavina Mistry

2014 - Dr Jessica Kennedy

2012 - Nithya Sambasivam

2010 - Anthony Williamson

2009 - Nicholas Tebbey

2008 - Heidi Yates

2007 - Elizabeth Lee


Each year, young lawyers tested their public speaking skills and comedic genius at Golden Gavel competitions across the country. The winners of each State and Territory competition then faced off at the National Golden Gavel.

An opportunity for new lawyers to showcase their advocacy and comedy skills, with each given five minutes to argue their case on a usually far-fetched topic — revealed only 24 hours beforehand.

Past recipients:

2024 - Claudia Weatherall

2023 - Grant Robert

2022 - Daniella Fiocco

2021 - Daniel Magnusson

2019 - Maclaren Wall

2018 - Liv Ronan

2017 - Adam Moynihan

2016 - Josie Dempster

2015 - Hassan Ehsan

2014 - Soraya Saikal

2013 - Emilija Beljic

2012 - Hamish McNair

2011 - Max Petro

2010 - Sarah Avery

2009 - Rouslun Churches

2008 - Theresa Miskle

2007 - Brooke Horne

2006 - Brooke Horne

2005 - Emma Herde

2004 - Andrew Jory

2003 - Andrew Jory

2002 - Peter Woulfe

From time to time, Honorary Membership is conferred on persons who have contributed significantly to the ACT Law Society or to the ACT legal profession.

According to the Constitution of the ACT Law Society: “The Council may confer the status of Honorary Member on a Member, former Member or person eligible for Membership who is considered by the Council to have rendered outstanding service to the Society or to the legal profession.”

The award is presented at the discretion of the Council of the ACT Law Society.

Honorary members

Sir Clarrie Harders OBE was appointed an honorary member in August 1979, on his retirement as Secretary of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.

The Hon Kevin O'Leary QC was appointed in November 1987 on his retirement as Chief Justice of the Northern Territory Supreme Court. He had been President of the Society for three years at the time when the first Legal Practitioners Act was being drafted. He was also intimately involved in the establishment of the practical legal training course at the ANU.

David Crossin AM OBE was appointed in October 1988 following his chairmanship of the committee which organised the 1988 Australian Bicentennial Legal Convention. Mr Crossin had held many positions of responsibility in the Law Society and in the Canberra community generally. He was President of the Law Society from 1980 to 1983, had been an ACT practitioner for almost 50 years, and was a member and Chairman of the Professional Conduct Board.

The Hon David Harper OAM was appointed in August 2003 following his appointment to the Bench of the ACT Supreme Court as Master. He had been a member of the Society for 33 years and a member of Council for 29 years and President from 1978-80.

The Hon Terry Higgins AO KC was appointed an honorary member in June 2012. In addition to a distinguished career on the Bench and as an advocate, he made a noteworthy contribution to the affairs of the Society as a member, committee member, Councillor, and Vice-President. 

Christopher Chenoweth OAM was appointed an honorary member in June 2012. He gave selflessly of his time, knowledge and considerable skill to the affairs of the Society over many years as a member of many of our committees, a long serving Councillor, a Vice-President and as our President from 1999 to 2001.  He contributed substantially to the profession as a member of the Admissions Board, the Sentence Administration Board, a presiding member of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal and as Special Magistrate.

Louise Vardanega PSM was appointed an honorary member in August 2014 for her immense contribution to the Law Society over a long period beginning in 1976. She was a member of the Council continuously since October 1991, including 25 years as Secretary.

Larry King was appointed an honorary member in August 2016 in recognition of his 17 years of service to the ACT Law Society as Executive Director and CEO.

Martin Hockridge was appointed an honorary member in August 2018, in recognition of his many years of service to the ACT Law Society. He was President of the Law Society for three years, and on Council of the Law Society for 13 years, including serving as Vice President for four years and Immediate Past President for two years. 

The Law Society recognises and congratulates members who have completed forty years in service since their admission to the legal profession. The Society believes that forty years within the legal profession is a significant achievement, and we acknowledge this service with a commemorative lapel pin. Pins are given out at the Society's Annual Dinner in late August each year.

2019 -

Mr Wayne Arthur
Mr Uwe Boettcher
Mr Richard Calver
Magistrate Beth Campbell
Ms Barbara Deegan
Ms Mary Toohey


Mr Brian Tetlow
Mr Jim Dunn
Mr Keith Bradley
Mr John Harris
Ms Margaret Reid
Mr Ron Travers
Mr Richard Davies
Mr Chris Donohue
Mrs Jeanine Lloyd


Mr Stephen Mason
Mr Mark Cunliffe PSM
Mr James Millea
Mr David Briggs
Ms Eunice Ryan
Mr Brian Kildea
Mr Richard Lewis
Mr Ian Stevens


Mr Denis O'Brien
Mr Nicholas Symons
Ms Louise Vardanega PSM
Ms Christine Harvey
Mr Eric Lucas
Mr Frank Tallarita
Mr Gary Robb
Ms Susanne Tongue


Mr Allen “Tex” Alcock
Mr Rod Badgery
Mr Kenneth Batterham
Mr Allan Bedford
Mr John Buxton
Mr William Conley
Mr Denis Farrar
Mrs Elizabeth Fleming
Mr Charles Filgate Giles
Mr Ian Govey AM
Mr Owen Jones
Ms Jillian McSpedden
Mr Ivan Potas
Mr John Reid
Dr Gary Rumble
Mr Stephen Skehill
Mr Mark Tiirikainen


Mr Robert Alexander
Mr William Andrews
Mr Trevor Barker
Mr Rodney Barnett
Mr Colin Blain
Mr Dale Boucher
Mr John Bradley
Mr George Brzostowski SC


The ACT Law Society funds prizes for law students studying at the University of Canberra and the Australian National University.

At the University of Canberra

  • ACT Law Society Prize for the Highest Achieving Student in Contract Law
  • ACT Law Society Prize for the Highest Achieving Student in Equity Law

For more information, contact the UC Scholarships Office on

At the Australian National University

  • Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory Prize for Contracts

The Law Society runs a range of sporting events for its members, encouraging collegiality, fitness, and mental health. 

Law Week Six-A-Side Soccer

2005 - Mallesons/KGB Law
2006 - Colquhoun Murphy
2007 - Office

Winter Netball Competition

2015 — Top four teams: DLA Piper, Farrar Gesini Dunn, Blumers Personal Injury Lawyers, and Slater & Gordon / pappas, j. – attorney
2016 — 1st: Farrar Gesini Dunn, 2nd: Legal Aid ACT
2017 — 1st: Moray & Agnew, 2nd: Henry Davis York
2018 — 1st: Farrar Gesini Dunn, 2nd: ACT Director of Public Prosecutions "Regina"
2019 — 1st: Clayton Utz, 2nd: Legal Aid ACT "Canberra Aiders"

Touch Football Afternoon

2016 — Moray & Agnew
2018 — Sparke Helmore / Comcare
2019 — 1st: Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers, 2nd Chamberlains Law Firm

Perpetual Golf Trophy


1982 — Peter G Martin
1983 — Hugh Marshall
1984 — Phil Moon
1985 — Peter G Martin
1986 — Phil Moon
1987 — Norm Headland
1989 — David Lardner
1990 — Mun Ng
1991 — Norm Headland
1992 — Andrew Roberts
1993 — Ian Bradfield
1994 — Toby Selby
1995 — Russell Patrick
1996 — Michael Eley
1997 — Jim Dunn
1998 — Rod MacDonald
1999 — Joint winners, Brian Tetlow and Bill Coombs
2000 — Ian L Julien
2001 — Michael Eley
2002 — Les Klekner
2003 — Jim Dunn
2004 — Peter Kaye
2005 — Les Klekner
2006 — Bruce Howes
2007 — John Buxton
2008 — Chris Behrens
2009 — Bruce Howes
2010 — John Buxton
2011 — Cancelled
2012 — John Buxton
2013 — Mark Poretti

ACT Professions Shotgun Challenge

2002 — Bill Coombs, Higgins Solicitors
2003 — Phillips Fox
2004 — Colquhoun Murphy Solicitors
2005 — Mun Ng, Les Klekner, K Chen, A Ong
2006 — Peter Kaye, Bruce Howes, Margie Reid, C Widicrow
2007 — Maurice Falcetta, Craig Lynch, Graeme Blank, Michael Slaven
2008 — Peter Bugden, Ian Cheetham, Eddy Howard, Phil Sykes
2009 — Theresa Miskle, Greg Robson, Rick Edwards
2012 — David Greentree, John MacCulloch, Carol Mitchell, Philip Sykes
2013 — Henry Kazar, Tony Lane, Graeme Blank, Harry Kay