Inclusion & diversity

Showing 10 of 13 results for Inclusion & diversity

Commencement of the 2023 Legal Year

30 Jan 2023

Commencement of the 2023 Legal Year

Law Society President Farzana Choudhury spoke at the annual ceremonial sitting to mark the commencement of the 2023 legal year.

Statement on sexual harassment in the legal profession

23 Jun 2020

Statement on sexual harassment in the legal profession

The ACT Law Society is both alarmed and deeply disappointed at the reported findings of sexual harassment by a former member of the highest and most respected legal institution in the land.

ACT Law Society welcomes result of the same-sex marriage survey

15 Nov 2017

ACT Law Society welcomes result of the same-sex marriage survey

The Law Society welcomed the result of the same-sex marriage survey and noted that 74% of Canberrans voted in favour of same-sex marriage.

Unconscious bias

8 Mar 2017

Unconscious bias

The Law Council of Australia has organised unconscious bias training aimed at the legal profession.

ACT Law Society welcomes inspiring ‘first’ for High Court

29 Nov 2016

ACT Law Society welcomes inspiring ‘first’ for High Court

The ACT Law Society today applauded the appointment of Justice Susan Kiefel AC as the next Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia. She will be the first woman to hold the position.

Opening of the 2016 legal year

1 Feb 2016

Opening of the 2016 legal year

Australian of the Year David Morrison AO today addressed the legal profession at a ceremony to open the 2016 legal year.

Women in Law — Past Achievements and Future Directions

16 May 2006

Women in Law — Past Achievements and Future Directions

The 2006 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by The Hon Terence Higgins AO, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Australian Capital Territory.

Equal Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law

29 Jul 1992

Equal Rights and Anti-Discrimination Law

The 1992 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by The Hon Mary Gaudron QC, Justice of the High Court of Australia.

Working with indigenous clients

Working with indigenous clients

Practical information for solicitors to effectively meet their professional obligations when providing assistance to First Nations clients.

Accessibility statement

Accessibility statement

The Law Society strives to ensure its services are accessible to people with disabilities.

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