Media release

Showing 10 of 143 results for Media release

Commencement of the 2024 Legal Year

29 Jan 2024

Commencement of the 2024 Legal Year

ACT Law Society President, Lisa Quilty, welcomes the 2024 legal year with reflections on balance.

The ACT Law Society announces new President

9 Jan 2024

The ACT Law Society announces new President

The ACT Law Society has a new President, with Lisa Quilty appointed to the position.

Meet our new President and Council

21 Sep 2023

Meet our new President and Council

The ACT Law Society has a new President, with Tim Dingwall elected to the position for 2023-24 after serving four years on the Council.

ACT Law Society welcomes new ACAT President

13 Sep 2023

ACT Law Society welcomes new ACAT President

The ACT Law Society congratulates Ms Mary-Therese Daniel on her appointment as President of the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (ACAT).

ACT Law Society welcomes new Human Rights Commissioner

12 Sep 2023

ACT Law Society welcomes new Human Rights Commissioner

The ACT Law Society congratulates Professor Penelope Mathew on her appointment as President and Human Rights Commissioner of the ACT Human Rights Commission.

Statement on the Sofronoff Report

8 Aug 2023

Statement on the Sofronoff Report

The ACT Law Society acknowledges the findings published yesterday of the Board of Inquiry led by Mr Walter Sofronoff KC into the criminal justice system in the ACT and the ACT Government’s interim response.

Statement on the Voice to Parliament

28 Jul 2023

Statement on the Voice to Parliament

​ The ACT Law Society Council (Council) accepts the invitation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which includes the call for the constitutionally enshrined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

ACT Legal Profession Welcomes New Supreme Court Judge

26 Jul 2023

ACT Legal Profession Welcomes New Supreme Court Judge

The ACT Law Society extends its congratulations and welcomes the appointment of the newest resident judge for the ACT, Magistrate Louise Taylor.

Statement on raising the age of criminal responsibility

8 May 2023

Statement on raising the age of criminal responsibility

The ACT Law Society is pleased that the ACT will soon become the first Australian jurisdiction to raise the age of criminal responsibility, keeping children out of the prison system. However, we are concerned that the proposed changes do not go far enough to bring us into line with United Nations standards.

Law week in the ACT

8 May 2023

Law week in the ACT

Every year in May, the ACT Law Society coordinates Law Week in Canberra — five days of events to promote public understanding of the law and its role in society.

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