Legal assistance

Showing 8 of 8 results for Legal assistance

ACT budget initiatives relevant to the legal sector

6 Oct 2021

ACT budget initiatives relevant to the legal sector

For the interest of members, the Law Society has produced a summary of budget initiatives of relevance to the legal sector.

What are my legal options if I'm having trouble with my neighbour?

6 Sep 2021

What are my legal options if I'm having trouble with my neighbour?

You may have heard local lawyer Chris Donohue chatting with Georgia Stynes on ABC Radio recently about what you can do if you're having trouble with your neighbour. We've compiled some useful resources on this topic.

ACT Law Society calls for increased funding to close justice gap

7 May 2021

ACT Law Society calls for increased funding to close justice gap

The Society calls on governments to invest in access to justice for all Canberrans by raising the current level of funding to the legal assistance sector.

Federal budget overlooks legal assistance sector

7 Oct 2020

Federal budget overlooks legal assistance sector

The ACT Law Society has joined our colleagues at the Law Council of Australia in expressing disappointment at the federal government’s failure to properly fund the legal assistance sector in its newly-announced budget.

ACT legal support for bushfire victims

8 Jan 2020

ACT legal support for bushfire victims

The Law Society joins with the chorus legal organisations offering help and support during the bushfires devastating our beautiful country.

Pro Bono: for whose benefit?

14 May 2019

Pro Bono: for whose benefit?

The 2019 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by Karen Fryar AM, former Magistrate of the Australian Capital Territory.

Hicks and the Geneva Convention, Hindmarsh and the Native Title

17 May 2005

Hicks and the Geneva Convention, Hindmarsh and the Native Title

The 2005 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by Stephen Kenny, lawyer for David Hicks, a Guantanamo Bay detainee.

Investing in the Judiciary

11 May 2004

Investing in the Judiciary

The 2004 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by The Hon John Doyle AC QC, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of South Australia.