Human rights

Showing 10 of 13 results for Human rights

Law Society objects to retrospective legislation

1 Aug 2019

Law Society objects to retrospective legislation

The ACT Law Society expressed strong opposition to recent changes to specific offences in the Crimes Act and the Firearms Act which the ACT Government intends to apply retrospectively.

ACT Law Society affirms commitment to reconciliation

25 May 2018

ACT Law Society affirms commitment to reconciliation

The President took the opportunity afforded by the upcoming Reconciliation Day public holiday to reaffirm the Society’s commitment to the national reconciliation movement.

Traditional protections under threat by new police powers

27 Nov 2017

Traditional protections under threat by new police powers

The Law Society expressed dismay at the expansive new crime scene powers conferred on police under the Crimes (Police Powers and Firearms Offence) Amendment Bill 2017.

Concern over increased police powers

31 Oct 2017

Concern over increased police powers

Alarm at the breadth of the Bill introduced today dealing with police powers to supposedly address drive-by shootings.

Law Society disappointed by lack of consultation

16 Feb 2017

Law Society disappointed by lack of consultation

The Law Society expressed disappointment at the retrospective legislation passed by the Legislative Assembly today that attempted to ensure the validity of certain decisions made in relation to Intensive Correction Orders (ICOs).

50th Anniversary of the last judicial execution in Australia

3 Feb 2017

50th Anniversary of the last judicial execution in Australia

On this significant anniversary of the last judicial execution in Australia, it is important to acknowledge the high quality of the justice system in Australia and in particular, its evolving humanity.

New victims of crime scheme welcomed by ACT Legal Profession

2 Feb 2017

New victims of crime scheme welcomed by ACT Legal Profession

ACT Law Society President Sarah Avery has commended the ACT Government on the new Victims of Crime Scheme.

The Legal Assault on Australian Democracy

12 May 2015

The Legal Assault on Australian Democracy

The 2015 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by Professor George Williams AO, an academic specialising in constitutional law at the Law Faculty at the University of New South Wales.

Interference with injured workers

27 Sep 2012

Interference with injured workers

Consistent with the article in yesterday’s Canberra Times, some Canberra law firms are receiving reports of employers and insurance companies in the ACT insisting on attending medical appointments with injured workers who are claiming workers compensation.

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