Bail laws

Showing 6 of 6 results for Bail laws

‘Exceptional circumstances’ bail review power already exercised

2 May 2017

‘Exceptional circumstances’ bail review power already exercised

Dismay at the use of the bail review power just one day after it commenced operation.

Law Society still opposes new bail review power

1 May 2017

Law Society still opposes new bail review power

Law Society expresses ongoing concern at the new bail review power for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), which commences operation today.

Law Society disappointed by lack of consultation

16 Feb 2017

Law Society disappointed by lack of consultation

The Law Society expressed disappointment at the retrospective legislation passed by the Legislative Assembly today that attempted to ensure the validity of certain decisions made in relation to Intensive Correction Orders (ICOs).

Law Society supports continued law reform

14 Feb 2017

Law Society supports continued law reform

The Law Society acknowledged the call by the Shadow ACT Attorney-General for an independent review of the bail system in the ACT, prompted in part by the tragic events in Melbourne.

Law Society condemns new bail review power

4 Aug 2016

Law Society condemns new bail review power

The ACT Law Society today expressed deep disappointment at the decision of the Legislative Assembly to support the introduction of a new bail review power for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Proposed changes to Bail Act unfair, unbalanced, and inequitable

9 Jun 2016

Proposed changes to Bail Act unfair, unbalanced, and inequitable

The Law Society criticised the ACT Government’s proposal to introduce a new bail review power for the Director of Public Prosecutions as disgraceful.