Police powers
Showing 5 of 5 results for Police powers

24 May 2021
What do I do if my teen gets in trouble with the police?
What happens when a teenager is suspected of committing an offence, or is arrested by the police?

24 May 2021
What can I do if my teen gets in trouble with the police?
You may have heard local lawyer Michael Kukulies-Smith, the Chair of our Criminal Law Committee, chatting with Georgia Stynes on ABC Radio recently about what you can do if your teen gets arrested. We've compiled some useful resources on this topic.

27 Nov 2017
Traditional protections under threat by new police powers
The Law Society expressed dismay at the expansive new crime scene powers conferred on police under the Crimes (Police Powers and Firearms Offence) Amendment Bill 2017.

31 Oct 2017
Concern over increased police powers
Alarm at the breadth of the Bill introduced today dealing with police powers to supposedly address drive-by shootings.

11 Jun 1987
The Powers of the Police to Question and Search
The 1987 Blackburn Lecture, delivered by The Rt Hon Sir Harry Gibbs GCMG AC KBE QC, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia.