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Family Law stream, Tuesday 7 March 2023
- 1.30pm: Working with Care and Protection
- 2.30pm: Ethics in family law
- 4pm: When family violence and crime collide
Working with Care and Protection
1.30pm, Tuesday 7 March 2023 | 1 CPD point in core area 3
Kevin Robinson, co-founder of Robinson + McGuinness and Chair of our Family Law Committee, with Anne Martens, Senior Director of Child and Youth Protection Services (CYPS)'s Legal Services Unit, will discuss the CYPS process and offer tips for making working with them as smooth as possible.
Anne Martens, Senior Director - Legal Services Unit, ACT Child and Youth Protection Services
Anne presently performs the role of Senior Director, Legal Services Unit at ACT Child and Youth Protection Services (CYPS), and has been in this position for almost 5½ years. Anne has been admitted to practice since 2003 and has predominantly worked for Government for her entire career. Previously, she has worked as an associate to an ACT Magistrate, associate to an ACT Supreme Court Judge, and has been with the ACT Government Solicitor’s Office for well over a decade. Anne leads a tightknit team who are passionate about using their legal skills to achieve positive outcomes for children involved in the child protection system. Anne enjoys the diversity of work at CYPS and her work with frontline staff who seek to support Canberra’s most vulnerable children and families.
Kevin Robinson, co-Founder, Robinson + McGuinness
Kevin has been recognised as a Preeminent Family & Divorce Lawyer and Preeminent Leading Parenting, Custody & Children’s Matters Lawyer in the Australian Capital Territory for 2022, the sixth year in a row, in the prestigious Doyles Guide. Prior to founding Robinson + McGuinness, Kevin practised in all areas of family law in Canberra as well as in Guardianship and Care and Protection matters. Kevin is on the panel maintained by Legal Aid ACT to provide representation to children in proceedings in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia when such a request is made by the Presiding Judicial Officer. Kevin is Chair of the ACT Law Society Family Law Committee; a member of the Canberra Region Family Law Professionals Association; a member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia; a member of the Independent Children’s Lawyer Panel – ACT Legal Aid; an Accredited Collaborative Law Practitioner; and an Accredited Family Law Arbitrator.
Ethics in family law
2.30pm, Tuesday 7 March 2023 | 1 CPD point in core area 1
Join family law expert Di Simpson of DDCS Lawyers in a session discussing ethics in family law. With more than 30 years’ experience in family law, including serving on the Law Society's Legal Profession Act & Ethics Committee, this session is not one to be missed.
Ethics in family law, Di Simpson
Di Simpson, Partner, DDCS lawyers
Di is one of the founding Directors of Dobinson Davey Clifford Simpson Family Law Specialists (DDCS) and has practised exclusively in Family Law since 1992. Di is an Accredited Specialist (NSW) in Family Law. She is the Chair of the Executive of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia. After more than 30 years in family law, Di is still passionate about being a family lawyer and finds her work stimulating and rewarding. Di is an experienced solicitor advocate and regularly appears in the Federal Circuit Court and Family Court of Australia (Divisions 1 and 2), including in final hearings. Di recognises the important role of family lawyers in the "family law system" and the positive contribution they make to access to just and safe outcomes for families in crisis.
When family violence and crime collide
4pm, Tuesday 7 March 2023 | 0.5 CPD points in core area 3 and 0.5 CPD points in core area 4
When there are allegations of a criminal nature in a family law case, what steps should lawyers take? In this session, barrister James Maher and Courtney Mullen of Foster Johnson Lawyers will cover the recent changes to family violence sentencing laws and associated reforms, as well as Harman undertakings in respect of reports and documents used between courts or in different proceedings. Learn practical tips and common traps about interim family violence orders, what you should tell respondents, and when to obtain a certificate about giving incriminating evidence in a civil court.
James Maher, Barrister, Burley Griffin Chambers
James is a Criminal Law Specialist and Advocate with over 10 years of experience representing clients in all courts in the ACT and NSW. James has particular expertise in serious drug offences, conspiracy, sexual assault, white-collar crime, fraud, money laundering, proceeds of crime and regulatory offences. In addition to appearing in summary and indictable proceedings, James has appeared in appellate matters in the ACT Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and the High Court of Australia.
Courtney Mullen, Partner, Foster Johnson Family and Collaborative Lawyers
Courtney joined Foster Johnson as a Partner in May 2022 with more than 10 years’ prior experience in family law litigation and dispute resolution. Courtney is a long-time Ken Behren who holds a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Economics from the Australian National University where she is now a sessional academic. Courtney has been recognised as one of the ACT’s leading Parenting, Custody and Children’s Matters Lawyers and is a member of Canberra Collaborative Family Lawyers. Her love for numbers and finding a creative solution to any problem mean she has an affinity for complex property settlement matters. She also litigates in matters where there is intractable conflict, including in parenting matters involving a relocation. Courtney is the Chair of the ACT Law Society’s Family Violence and Children’s Committee and regularly volunteers for the Women’s Legal Centre ACT.
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