Raise the Age
Showing 4 of 4 results for Raise the Age

8 May 2023
Statement on raising the age of criminal responsibility
The ACT Law Society is pleased that the ACT will soon become the first Australian jurisdiction to raise the age of criminal responsibility, keeping children out of the prison system. However, we are concerned that the proposed changes do not go far enough to bring us into line with United Nations standards.

22 Jan 2021
Statement on raising the age of criminal responsibility
The ACT Law Society has again called attention to the need for swift action on raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14 years.

20 Aug 2020
Law Society welcomes first steps towards stopping children being imprisoned
The ACT Law Society today welcomed the Legislative Assembly's first tentative steps towards raising the age of criminal resposibility from 10 to 14 years, to keep children out of prison.

23 Jul 2020
Law Society signs open letter calling on ACT Government to stop imprisoning children
The ACT Law Society has joined with a collective of service delivery, human rights, legal, and representative organisations to call on the ACT Government to raise the age of criminal responsibility in the territory.