Personal injury law

Showing 6 of 6 results for Personal injury law

Schedule of Fees for Medico-Legal Work

31 May 2024

Schedule of Fees for Medico-Legal Work

The Recommended Schedule of Fees for Medico-Legal Work as agreed by the Australian Medical Association (ACT) and the Law Society of the ACT.

Personal Injury Claim Notification

10 Oct 2023

Personal Injury Claim Notification

Personal Injury Claim Notification under the Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Regulation 2004.

Law Society calls for less paternalism in catastophic injury treatment

6 May 2016

Law Society calls for less paternalism in catastophic injury treatment

The Law Society urged the ACT Government to reconsider its position in relation to catastrophically injured workers and to ensure injured workers retain choice in determining their own treatment needs.

Law Society supports move from Comcare

2 Mar 2015

Law Society supports move from Comcare

The Law Society cautiously welcomed the ACT Government’s decision to exit the Comcare workers’ compensation scheme.

Limitation tables

Limitation tables

Tables for Civil Limitations in the ACT, Limitation Periods in Civil Matters in NSW, and the Forensic Accounting Handbook for assessing economic loss under the Workers Compensation Act.