Family law

Showing 10 of 15 results for Family law

Contact with the complainant in family violence or sexual assault matters

21 Jun 2024

Contact with the complainant in family violence or sexual assault matters

Guidance note regarding coming into contact with the complainant in family violence and/or sexual assault cases.

Family Law Update: New merged courts

1 Sep 2021

Family Law Update: New merged courts

The Family Law Committee would like to advise members of recent developments and releases from the new merged Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

Cross examination in family violence cases

27 Aug 2021

Cross examination in family violence cases

Information about new provisions in the Family Law Act restricting cross examination in circumstances involving allegations of family violence.

Looking for a family lawyer with mediation experience?

2 Aug 2021

Looking for a family lawyer with mediation experience?

You may have heard local lawyer Debra Parker, Chair of our Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee, chatting with Georgia Stynes on ABC Radio recently about mediation options for family law – options that can help people avoid lengthy family court processes in situations like divorce and custody disputes.

Why should I use a family lawyer?

18 Jun 2021

Why should I use a family lawyer?

Reasons why you should consult an experienced family law solicitor.

Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System

16 Mar 2021

Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System

The second Interim Report from the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System has been released.

Family Law Update February 2021

26 Feb 2021

Family Law Update February 2021

The Law Society's Family Law Committee Update is sent to members with an interest in family law when we have issues of note to report on.

Statement on proposed Family Court merger

23 Nov 2020

Statement on proposed Family Court merger

The Law Council of Australia released a statement today condemning the proposed merger of the specialist Family Law Court into the Federal Circuit Court. The ACT Law Society agrees with this position, and supports the continued independence of the Family Court of Australia.

Family Law Update November 2020

2 Nov 2020

Family Law Update November 2020

The Family Law Committee is pleased to introduce their new regular news update.

Domestic violence services expanded

27 Aug 2020

Domestic violence services expanded

The Family Violence & Children's Committee recently met with Eve Ball, who is the Team Leader, Legal Advocacy & Crisis Intervention at the Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS).

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