The Richardson Oration

The Jack Richardson Oration on the Public Lawyer and Public Governance was established in 2011, and is held each year in honour of the late Professor Jack Richardson AO, the Commonwealth’s first Ombudsman. The Oration takes as its theme the legal aspects of public administration. The purpose of the Oration is to focus on the relationship between the law, as practised by the public lawyer, and government activities in a social, economic, and ethical context.

The Oration is co-hosted by the ACT Law Society and the Association of Corporate Counsel.

The Government lawyer, Damian Bugg AM QC, 2011.

The Development of the 'New' Administrative Law, The Hon Michael Kirby AC CMG, 2012.

Administrative and adversarial litigation — Worlds apart or planets in alignment?, Chief Magistrate Lorraine Walker, 2013.

Information Technology and the Common Law, The Hon Justice Stephen Gageler, 2014.

Reviewing the Reviewer: the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Administrative Review Council and the road ahead, The Hon Justice Duncan Kerr, 2015.

Marbury v Madison in an Age of Statutory Discretion, Dr James Stellios, 2016.

National Interest and the Rule of Law, Fiona McLeod SC, 2017.

Parliamentary Scrutiny and Democratic Participation: Aboriginal constitutional recognition post-Uluru Statement from the Heart, Professor Megan Davis, 2018.

Illegitimately Re-writing the Music?, The Hon Justice Virginia Bell AC, 2019.


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