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Practising certificate renewals

Tuesday, 4 June 2024

Practising certificate renewals

If you haven't finalised your renewal, you can still sign in and follow the instructions on your Member Dashboard to complete the process, however we cannot guarantee that your renewal will be processed in time for you to access your new Practising Certificate for the new financial year.

General questions

If you need assistance logging in to the website, please refer to our login guide here.

Certificates will be issued electronically.

How can I tell if my application has been submitted?

When you submit your renewal application, you should receive an email acknowledging that the Society has received your application and it is being processed. However, some IT systems block automated email communications. To check that your application has been submitted successfully, log in to your dashboard and check 'My Memberships' — you will see your 2024-25 membership appear with a Pending status.

Please note that your membership will not become active until payment has been received (and, depending on the type of membership selected, the Society may also need confirmation of your PII policy). You can access your invoices at any time by logging in to your member dashboard and selecting 'My invoices'. You can also use this section to pay outstanding invoices using a credit card.

How can I get my new Practising Certificate?

You will be able to access your certificate online through your Member Dashboard. Simply log in, then navigate to 'My Memberships', and click on the button which says 'Print My Membership Certificate'.

Only your current active certificate will be available — your new certificate will not be available to print until it becomes active on 1 July.

Renewing for the correct period:

A person who has previously held a membership with the Law Society (i.e. within the past five years) can renew for the period ending on 30 June 2024, or for the following financial year ending on 30 June 2025. 

  • Renew your membership now: Please contact Member Connect to apply for a Practising Certificate with an expiry date of 30 June 2024.
  • Renew your membership next financial year: Selecting this option will process a renewal for the next period (from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025). Your Practising Certificate will not be available until 1 July 2024.

Having trouble?

If you are having any trouble completing accessing or completing the 24/25 renewal form, please try these steps:

1. Ensure you are not using a device connected to a departmental firewall.

2. Clear your browser cache.

3. Ensure you are not using Internet Explorer.

If following the above steps does not resolve the issue you are experiencing, please email memberconnect@actlawsociety.asn.au providing as much detail as possible. 

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